
Escape with net-trap

Escape with net-trap
She was sitting alone on the snow beside the frozen water.
I walked close to make photo from her.
With difficulty she stood up and gazed at me.
Showed me her feet.
Piece of a net-trap still on her feet.
She has escaped from a net-trap.
She has carried the evidence of being betrayed and trapped.
She seems very hungry and tired.
I walked a step closer to offer her a piece of bread from my rucksack.
She looked mockingly at me.
In her eyes I could read:
(Never trust any person.
No one even who offers a favor.
She didn’t want another time be tricked and trapped.)
Rejecting my favor, she flew away.
I was fascinated by her self-respect and alertness.
Such self-respect more than all of us people in the world.
We all let that every power-lover makes a fool of us and rules our destiny.