
Transition of Mankind-LWW gallery-1A

Transition of Mankind
Iryna Berenhko
Vadim Bondero
08 Sep / 06 Oct 2012
LWW gallery
1st Bloemdwarsstraat 5C-Amsterdam

From Website of LWW gallery:
{Chronicles of Transition of Mankind

We live in a time when it is practically impossible to keep up
with an ever more accelerating pace of life.
Boundaries between peoples and nations are blurring
because of computer and Internet.
Symbols and ideals of past times disappear and are replaced
by new ones, simulating the initial value and the primary meaning.
This process affects all aspects of human life.
We live in a rapid changing world, moral,
aesthetic and artistic concepts evolve.

In this exhibition Iryna Berezhko and Vadim Bondero
comment artistically on the change of moral and aesthetic concepts.
They perceive loss of care for each other and increase
of greed in a depersonalised world.
Natural skin is ‘improved’ by plastic surgery.
They form an objective image of the future by a collision of
these different images and their cultural transition.
There is abstract chaos and the structure of the figurative.
Amplification of the muscular anatomy without the skin and
the endless sprouts of thought structures.
This project attempts to create a exaggerated essence of
the interpenetrating images and meanings from the past into the future.}